I don't know whether it is too early or too late to make a postmortem for jumping turtles, my latest flash, but I'll make one anyway.
Well I am actually surprised at how well it was received, I thought it was going to fail actually. In fact, I didn't even think I wanted to submit it, I even thought of putting it up for grabs. I was even thinking of letting sevenseizee submit it, and take all the credit. Think how awesome it would be if she had front page posts, one word, awesome.
Jumping turtles was a result of me saying, hey I should make a stop motion animation. So I bought a webcam, and started drawing. I didn't really have anything to do, except for this one flash I've been procrastinating for months, I keep doing some other shit instead. So this shit turned into a flash. I started Febuary 21st and ended on the 23rd of march ( I think...) almost exactly a month. Near the end of production, I decided that since I couldn't find anything in the audio portal to suit my flash, I would make some music myself, and I did.
After a while I was thinking, gee whiz, the film festival at my school is coming up, I better submit this considering I have nothing else to submit. So in a few weeks or so we'll find out how well my flash will do.
well anyway, here's what I have to do before I make that sequel, a few collabs, a flash, then the sequel, think you can wait?
anyway, daily third, weekly 4th, front page. Thanks guys.
edit: I decided to make a little game out of my user page, how many turtle do you see? :/ oh, almost forgot, it's easter today ain't it?
tradition: I made 123 cents off of jumping turtles
unrelated pic